2.03 MBbiscottiHUD

Note: The screenshots are horribly out of date.
A stylish, modern-looking HUD that aims to remove clutter and improve how easy it is to read valuable information.
"one of the nicest HUDs i've ever used" - guy on teamfortress.tv
"This is one of the cleanest and neatest huds I've seen" - another guy on teamfortress.tv
You like right angles? 'Cus I've got right angles, baby! Want to change a little something? Well, I've got tons of officially supported customizations that might just be what you're looking for.
I always update it in a timely fashion, and if I make any drastic changes to the design, I'll usually include the old design as a customization option.
All the screenshots except one are in cl_hud_minmode 1, but it also supports cl_hud_minmode 0 which has larger backgrounds and icons.
Seriously, it would mean the world to me if you use the HUD seeing as I put a lot of time and effort into. Lots of late nights updating :) This is my baby.
omnibombulator - notoHUD - inspiration and know-how for squared HP.
sevin - 7HUD - inspiration for the box background for HP
BroeselHUD for the initial inspiration for the first draft of the HUD.
e.v.e. HUD for inspiration for the Engineer buildings.
Rays - I took a few buttons from ya. Also took the colour for getting Über from SlinFireHUD (not default though).
Whiskerbiscuit's budhud - inspiration for the main menu and incognito mode.
clovervidia for making the original Close Captions
I'd like to thank all the amazing HUD creators who inspire me to do better.
I'd like to thank people who have reported bugs that I completely missed.
Most importantly, I'd like to thank all the people who use this HUD and appreciate all the work I've put into it.
A stylish, modern-looking HUD that aims to remove clutter and improve how easy it is to read valuable information.
"one of the nicest HUDs i've ever used" - guy on teamfortress.tv
"This is one of the cleanest and neatest huds I've seen" - another guy on teamfortress.tv
You like right angles? 'Cus I've got right angles, baby! Want to change a little something? Well, I've got tons of officially supported customizations that might just be what you're looking for.
I always update it in a timely fashion, and if I make any drastic changes to the design, I'll usually include the old design as a customization option.
All the screenshots except one are in cl_hud_minmode 1, but it also supports cl_hud_minmode 0 which has larger backgrounds and icons.
Seriously, it would mean the world to me if you use the HUD seeing as I put a lot of time and effort into. Lots of late nights updating :) This is my baby.
omnibombulator - notoHUD - inspiration and know-how for squared HP.
sevin - 7HUD - inspiration for the box background for HP
BroeselHUD for the initial inspiration for the first draft of the HUD.
e.v.e. HUD for inspiration for the Engineer buildings.
Rays - I took a few buttons from ya. Also took the colour for getting Über from SlinFireHUD (not default though).
Whiskerbiscuit's budhud - inspiration for the main menu and incognito mode.
clovervidia for making the original Close Captions
Special Thanks#
I'd like to thank all the amazing HUD creators who inspire me to do better.
I'd like to thank people who have reported bugs that I completely missed.
Most importantly, I'd like to thank all the people who use this HUD and appreciate all the work I've put into it.
Operating Systems
Windows | |
Mac | |
Linux |
Aspect Ratios
4:3 | |
16:9 | |
16:10 |
7 months ago
biscotti is cookies (or biscuits) in italian
the more you know
11 months ago
darhud without the color 7/10 very cool