15.47 MBtoucaHUD
The HUD combines two of my favorite HUDs, CollyHUD and HExHUD, into something tailor-made for me and my interests as a competitive TF2 player. This HUD won't change the world or travel back in time to fight Professor Poopypants, but I want to show it off and, maybe, make someone's day in the process!
Thank you to Hypnotize, Colly, and Omnibombulator for inspiration and development on HExHUD and CollyHUD respectively! Thank you to Jofre for the time spent and dedication to helping make this HUD as great as it can be for me!
--For those interested in changing your resolution to 4:3--
All 4:3 folders are in the customization file, as well as the original 16:9 folder in case you want to change back, with instructions for installation. Since this is a first revision of 4:3, we ask that you guys experiment with the assets to iron out anything we may have missed.
The customization tab that we were thinking of implementing will not be added, I'm sorry if that is something that you may have wanted. We have reverted most changes to the ones we made in November 12th with some optimizations and fixes for issues caused by the Halloween Update. I'm sorry this took so long to bring out, I procrastinated and was not invested into the well-being of this HUD for a bit of time. With that said, I hope the HUD works well for y'all! Happy New Years!
Thank you to Hypnotize, Colly, and Omnibombulator for inspiration and development on HExHUD and CollyHUD respectively! Thank you to Jofre for the time spent and dedication to helping make this HUD as great as it can be for me!
--For those interested in changing your resolution to 4:3--
All 4:3 folders are in the customization file, as well as the original 16:9 folder in case you want to change back, with instructions for installation. Since this is a first revision of 4:3, we ask that you guys experiment with the assets to iron out anything we may have missed.
The customization tab that we were thinking of implementing will not be added, I'm sorry if that is something that you may have wanted. We have reverted most changes to the ones we made in November 12th with some optimizations and fixes for issues caused by the Halloween Update. I'm sorry this took so long to bring out, I procrastinated and was not invested into the well-being of this HUD for a bit of time. With that said, I hope the HUD works well for y'all! Happy New Years!
Operating Systems
Windows | |
Mac | |
Linux |
Aspect Ratios
4:3 | |
16:9 | |
16:10 |
1 day ago
1 day ago
Good, it's good.
1 day ago
Good, it's good.
1 day ago
Good, it's good.
18 days ago
is there a way to make the hp and ammo minimized and centred (like it is in the screenshots)?
28 days ago
when's the release
1 month ago
When's 16:10 support?
1 month ago
can we have the minimized hp/ammo in the center back again?
1 month ago
forgot to add this to the description, we're working on adding some customization options to the hud and it's a current work in progress. with the way that Jofre and I are doing this, we send each other the work and paste it into our GitHub. If you want the previous versions of the hud, you have to download it from GitHub, click "commits" find the last one made on November 12th, and you should be able to access it. I appreciate all of the feedback as well, let us know if you guys encounter any forms of bugs!
1 month ago
pls help the hud wont go into minmode anymore and i cant open tools
2 months ago
Is there a way you could add uber percent for the vaccinator? every other medigun but the vacc has the uber %
3 months ago
I love this! one question tho, is there any way to adjust the HP and ammo position on screen? I feel like they are a bit in the middle, although it may just be me.
3 months ago
i love this.
3 months ago
Chocc Touca, Spu on that Train
3 months ago
this hud is very well made, 10/10